
Wednesday  8th
0900-1700 International CME Course (Programme in preparation)

Thursday  9th
0900-1700 International CME Course (Programme in preparation)

Friday 10th
0900- 1700 International CME Course (Programme in preparation)

Monday 13th
0830 Meeting- Information at the RDTC

0900-1200 Case presentations on the ward (small groups)

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1600 German Seminar at the conference room RDTC (german language)

Tuesday 14th
0830 Meeting- Information at the RDTC

0900-1200 Case presentations outpatient clinic, incl. XP, Albinism (smalls groups)

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Lectures/ case presentations conference room RDTC (english language)